Aluminium can be recycled forever!!!

Only 1% of the UK salons empty colour tubes are recycled.


Only 1% of the UK salons empty colour tubes are recycled.
@greensaloncollective now recycle our colour tubes and foil.
Aluminium can be recycled forever!!!

It can be melted down and reformed without losing any quality, and the process can be repeated over and over again.
Recycling aluminium saves around 95% of the energy needed to make the metal from raw materials.
Along with the energy savings, recycling aluminium saves around 95% of the greenhouse gas emissions compared to the ‘primary’ production process. Recycling 1 tonne of aluminium saves 9 tonnes of CO2 emissions; When you consider that 1 tonne of CO2 is equivalent to driving a car 2800 miles the benefits of recycling really start to become clear.

Claire - Boss Hair Studio Owner



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